path of the endpoint:
The structure on this endpoint contains the static properties of the assembled hardware. These are the properties, which are defined during the production and they may and cannot be changed afterwards. This ranges from name and revision of the board to the assembly variant. On an exemplary eNetMini.1601.STD, the data looks like this.
- Note
- This whole endpoint is read only. Nothing can be changed here. It can be used for identification.
This endpoint cannot be secured by any API keys - it is always accessible by anyone.
"address": "004082ABCDEF",
"board": {
"pcb": {
"name": "mkc1601",
"revision": 1,
"Json+typeName": "MkcJsonLib.jPcb",
"Json+typeRevision": 0
"assemblyVariant": "STD",
"assemblyModifications": 0,
"assemblyDate": "17.04.2018",
"partNumber": 101648,
"Json+typeName": "MkcJsonLib.jBoard",
"Json+typeRevision": 0
"Json+typeName": "MkcJsonLib.jeNetMini",
"Json+typeRevision": 0
curl read command example:
"address": "004082ABCDEF",
"board": {...},
"Json+typeName": "MkcJsonLib.jeNetMini",
"Json+typeRevision": 0
This object contains specific hardware information for an eNetMini module
Variable | Description | datatype |
address | the MAC address of the ethernet interface | string |
board | the corresponding jBoard object | object |
curl read command example:
"pcb": {...},
"assemblyVariant": "STD",
"assemblyModifications": 0,
"assemblyDate": "17.04.2018",
"partNumber": 101648,
"Json+typeName": "MkcJsonLib.jBoard",
"Json+typeRevision": 0
This object contains production informations
Variable | Description | datatype |
pcb | The corresponding jPcb Object | object |
assemblyVariant | the variant of assembly | string |
assemblyModifications | modifications made to the assembly | integer |
assemblyDate | date of the device/board assembly | string |
partNumber | a unique part number of this board | integer |
curl read command example:
This object describes the printed circuit board (PCB) used in the device.
"name": "mkc1601",
"revision": 1,
"Json+typeName": "MkcJsonLib.jPcb",
"Json+typeRevision": 0
Variable | Description | datatype |
name | the name of the PCB | string |
revision | revision of the PCB's layout | integer |
curl read command example: