HTTP Authentication

‍paths on an eNetMini:
/api/v1/httpsu for the "SU" user
/api/v1/httprw for the "RW" user
/api/v1/httpro for the "RO" user

Some devices secure access to their homepage using the HTTP authentication method. In this case, the authentication can also be managed by the REST API. In contrast to the access keys every security level of the user accounts has his own endpoint, which is secured with its own apikey pair. So users can only read and set the user name and password of the account, they have access to. The structure of the endpoints is the same for all users. The default http endpoint of the "RO" user on a eNetMini is shown below.

"name": "user_ro",
"pass": "pass_ro",
"Json+typeName": "MkcJsonLib.jUser",
"Json+typeRevision": 0
Variable Description datatype writable
name username for the http authentication string yes
pass input's last change string yes
There could be none, one or multiple of these http endpoints on your device. Please check the technical/software manual for your device or check the apikeys endpoint if there are any http endpoints available.