Network Configuration



This endpoint gives access to the device name and various network configurations. The network connection itself can be configured here, as well as connections to other servers (SNTP, MQTT).
The listing below shows the whole properties endpoint of an eNetMini.1601 module.



This object contains all the network configurations and the device name.

Variable Description datatype writable
name The given device name string yes
networkInterfaces an array containing all network interfaces of the device array -
sntpEntries an array containing all SNTP client configurations array -
mqtt an object containing the MQTT client configuration object -

curl read command example:
curl -H "ApiRdKey: rdKey1"

curl write command example:
curl -X PUT -H "ApiRdKey: rdKey1" -H "ApiWrKey: wrKey1" -d "name=test"


This object contains the configurations of one network interface.

Variable Description datatype writable
address The MAC address of the device string no
domain The domain of the device. Used for DNS queries in case of a static configuration string yes
hostEntries an array containing all network configurations for this network interface array -

curl read command example:
curl -H "ApiRdKey: rdKey1"

curl write command example:
curl -X PUT -H "ApiRdKey: rdKey1" -H "ApiWrKey: wrKey1" -d ""


This object contains one network connection configuration.

Variable Description datatype writable
dhcp switch for enabling the DHCP client boolean yes
address The IP address for the static/fallback configuration string yes
mask The subnet mask for the static/fallback configuration string yes
gateway The gateway for the static/fallback configuration string yes
dns The address of the DNS server for the static/fallback configuration string yes

curl read command example:
curl -H "ApiRdKey: rdKey1"

curl write command example:
curl -X PUT -H "ApiRdKey: rdKey1" -H "ApiWrKey: wrKey1" -d "dhcp=false"
A change to this settings will take effect after a reset.

If DHCP client is enabled and the device fails to acquire a network configuration from the DHCP server, it will fallback to the static configuration.
If this happens a reset of the device is required to restart the DHCP client.


This object contains a configuration for a connection to a SNTP server.

Variable Description datatype writable
address The IP address of the SNTP server string yes
enable switch for turning the client on/off boolean yes

curl read command example:
curl -H "ApiRdKey: rdKey1"

curl write command example:
curl -X PUT -H "ApiRdKey: rdKey1" -H "ApiWrKey: wrKey1" -d "enable=true&address="


This object contains a configuration for a connection to a MQTT broker.

Variable Description datatype writable
root the root topic for the data string yes
enable switch for turning the client on/off boolean yes
address the IP address of the MQTT broker string yes
port the port of the MQTT broker integer yes
keepalive the keepalive value for the MQTT connection integer yes
user the username for authentication with the broker string yes
pass the password for authentication with the broker string yes

for further details about the MQTT connection see MQTT

curl read command example:
curl -H "ApiRdKey: rdKey1"

curl write command example:
curl -X PUT -H "ApiRdKey: rdKey1" -H "ApiWrKey: wrKey1" -d "root=myroottopic"