Device Specific Adjustments

There are multiple devices with an adjusted homepage. The Homepage described in the previous section is the base for the adjustments, so everything described there does still apply.

Data Visualization

The "classic" view on the data page of the default homepage is always present. Some devices however, do have multiple ways of visualizing the data.

2D View

The 2D "simple" view displays a 2D interactive image of the device.

2D View - 'simple' on a eNetCube-01-01-01

In this example (eNetCube-01-01-01), pressing the RELAY or the associated LED will toggle the corresponding digital output. This uses the same method as the switch on the default data page. Pressing one of the LEDs at the bottom, will round up the value to 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%, depending on which value it is set to currently or will set it to 0% if the current value is 100%. The circle representing the LED will change it's color accordingly.

In case of digital and analog inputs, the visualization will be present, but pressing won't do anything.

3D View

The 3D "extended" view displays a 3D view of the device. It is interactiv, as in rotating the model is possible. However, for changing the values of the IO's, boxes underneath the visualization are made available.

3D View - 'extended' on a eNetCube-01-01-01

In this example (eNetCube-01-01-01), pressing the RELAY1 box will toggle the corresponding digital output. The eNetCube-01-01-01 does show the status of the relays with a green LED on the side. This LED will also turn on and off in the 3D visualization. The value of analog outputs can be changed by given range inputs "sliders". The value will change after the slider has been moved and released. Moving the slider without releasing, won't change anything. Digital and analog inputs do get a separate box, but it won't be possible to change their values.

This 3D View can also be present on the landing page, but it is not possible to change any values there.